Monday, November 22, 2010

What About Thanksgiving?????

What About Thanksgiving?????

Sunday, November 7, 2010

MAN DOWN!!!!!!!!!

    Usually on the weekends our schedule is packed with things to do from birthday parties to running errands, but Saturday morning something came over me and had me down for 24 solid hours!! I HATE BEING SICK!!! I lay curled in my bed until about 9:30 a.m. until I sprinted for the porcelain god. My stomach felt better, but my lower back started aching so I gave up on any activities for the day.  I drifted in and out of sleep while the girls watched T.V.  They watched the Chipmunks: The Sequel about 5 times.  No one should have to listen to the Chipmunks unless its the Christmas season. Eric had some sympathy and brought the kids downstairs so that I could have some peace.

    I contacted my cousin to notify her that we wouldn't make it to her son's birthday party. Not wanting to be totally defeated, I called a friend so that Haven could hit another birthday party.  As soon as I hit "send" on my cell phone, Haven is hysterical because she puked on the steps.  Well she joined me in the bed and went to sleep.  Bowing to the porcelain god is exhausting.  Food, the smell and certainly the thought of eating grossed me out!

    Sunday morning we all woke up and I looked at the clock and it was 5:45 A.M. Forgot all about Daylight savings time but boy it does a body good! I woke so vibrant and ready to dip my toe in the water because I didn't want to go too hard. I decided to go to church, which meant I needed to wash not only my hair, but the girls' hair as well.  I washed, blow dried and flat ironed my hair.  Ate the yummy breakfast my hubby prepared.  Bathed and washed the girls hair.  Got them dressed, did their hair and sent them downstairs so that I could get ready in 15 minutes. 
We attended church. Following the service, Haven attended a rehearsal for the Drama ministry while I fellowshipped. After church we headed to Target to develop pictures for a project for Haven.  Once we got home I started dinner, hubby finished.

    Haven's project is called the Explorer's Club, where they have to submit items, pictures, or whatever that represents nature.  We've turned in a few things, but you have to continually bring in items until you get to the last square. Instead of turning in pictures from a few of our adventures, we  I decided to present via a homemade photo album.  Haven was so excited and put the finished product in her backpack. We ate dinner, cleaned the kitchen, living room, my bedroom, Haven's room, folded clothes, ironed clothes for the week for myself, Haven, and Harley! I also worked on a few worksheets with Haven, reviewed sight words with her, read a story, said prayers and put the girls to sleep. Now, I'm on the computer typing this blog entry!

   I realized that if I'm well rested I can do  A LOT!!!!!!!! I may even try to incorporate a nap in my day without guilt because I ROCKED today. 

                                                    Photo Album Before
                                                        Photo Album After